Saleena Note: Even if you are reading this after the actual 8-8 day, remember that the influence of this portal or stargate is felt for several weeks before and after the actual peak day. Be daring and dive in… and Have FUN exploring! You never know who you might meet…
What is so Special about
8-8 Lion's Gate?
8-8 = August 8th
Contact & Enhancing Creative Expression
through the
8-8 Sirian Lion's Gate
by Saleena Ki
8-8 is a time when a stargate or portal opens called the Sirian Lion's Gate. Stargates open when certain astrological bodies and energetic currents align in space and with Earth. it is a great time to create a project to utilize these energies & to journey into this stargate-portal and explore.
I love exploring through Omni-Dimensional Journeying to meet new higher dimensional beings, learn new things about myself and how creation works. I love bringing back "technologies" to assist us in raising our frequencies, expanding our persceptions, and thus continue the process of ascending.
I feel that BENEVOLENT Contact is an important part of our awakening and remembering process. We are being invited to step forward into Galactic Citizenship as soon as we let go of war, fear and greed and embrace ALL LIFE AS SACRED.
I also 'heartily" believe that when we go into our hearts and journey through our very own inner stargate or portal, we are spreading a new reputation (frequency) for Earth & her humanity as heart-based and loving responsible and curious beings.
In fact, on one of our journeys, we met a very unique being who told us that when we do this we carry a heart signature that can be read by those we meet and interact with. So…..
I consider CONTACT a
very important activity!
I would love to share some of my 8-8 Explorations
and the ART that resulted from my journeys
into this Sirian Lion's Stargate.
For weeks before and weeks after we will feel any certain stargate's influence. It is this certain stargate or portal opening we call the Sirian Lion's Gate. In 2005 I was curious about why there was so much excitement each year about this particular time and portal. I've always had extraordinary journeys into the omni-dimensions on that day.