2011-06-11 She-rier-stra Visiting
with Marimar & Saleena on Earth
Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure
continues from our
Visit to Library Planet – Sharing Ideas to Shape Life on New Paradise Earth
Saleena: This Morning after Breakfast She-rier-stra was with Marimar. He felt her when he first woke up. Such nice beings. She wanted to go see our garden so he took her out and showed her the plants and life. Now if you know Marimar, this is very unusual behavior. I was delighted!
Marimar: She had me touch the plants and smell the flowers. I could tell she got a lot more information by touching than by seeing. I'd walk around and look at all the plants and she would see one and say, "Touch." Not talking a lot but puzzled by some things.
Attention went to the house and she noticed it was made from cut dead trees, then she noticed live plants inside the house that was made of dead trees. I tried to explain; we like the plants so we bring them in. This puzzled her that we didn't let them get rain.
"Plants need sun and water," she said. I explained it the best I could and she thought, "You want the plants inside after chopping trees to make a dead house and then you put the plants inside and then they can't get the rain?" It was mostly that we didn't do things very effectively.
She did want to see our star so I looked up at the sun.
Saleena: I didn't see any direct sun on their planet when we visited, it was more of a subdued all-around light and they said that it came from a reflection from their sister planet, Unduo.
Marimar: She was very fascinated by corals. We had some dried ones in the garden and I told her where they had come from.
Another thing, we walked around all the plants and she wanted to see the Gecko but he ran away.
She was very interested in the lava, not sure they have it where she lives.
Saleena: Is she still with you?
Marimar: Yes, I showed her my GeoHologram research and different parts of the globe. She is getting tired though starting to fade.
Saleena: I experienced that last night while we were visiting toward the end. It was so fascinating I wanted to stay but my body got too tired. I had to go rest.
Marimar: I showed her my research and explain how people on the planet didn't know much about the grid system.
Saleena: And that you are mapping it so they will know more about it.
Marimar: She was taken aback when I read the news.
Saleena: Janook said there is no conflict there and they only know about it by the journeys of discovery and exploration to other planets and cultures. It must be rather shocking to peaceful beings.
Our planet has been through a rather savage stage. It is taking a lot of us acting differently; living in our hearts, meeting with other higher dimensional beings while we are in the heart signature, interacting in creative, peaceful and loving ways to change our reputation of Earth in the Galactic neighborhood.
I am so happy that so many of us
are now dreaming in something new.
Marimar: Generally it got to her emotionally and she felt that this is a very hard environment, You know what's in the news; war and conflict. I told her that is why we are making a new planet and we want to upgrade ours.
She reminded me we are our planet.
They think of themselves very much
a part of their planet.
What she sees happening on our planet
reflects to some degree what is in us.
Saleena: Speaking of reflecting what is inside us, I walked around today in our garden harvesting and I felt so peaceful and grounded. I found mushrooms, flowers, berries, fruit, herbs.
I ran to get my camera when I found a butterfly that was newly emerging from its cocoon.
It was fascinating filming the struggle it had pumping up its wings in learning to walk and navigate in its new body. He reminded me of us as humans now; newly emerging as a new species and we look like that sometimes flopping around.
Sometimes it would just fall right over on its back look like it was dead but then it would begin to wiggle struggle and upright itself and climb up onto some kind of a stem and then quiver and shake its wings getting them to unfold more. I can related to that this year with all the changes and shifts in energy and our bodies and the chaotic nodes!.
I walked all over the garden filming and exploring things and singing the Garden of Atema song. I didn't realize they were with me and now I suspect they were there observing through me, also.
Saleena Note: It was the Sisters of Isis who gave our Garden its name. They said Atema means blossoming and not just the flowers….
Atema: The Garden of Flowering
Received 01-02-2009
by Saleena Ki
Sisters of Isis: We will sing you a song to explain it deep inside you…
"Oh man, remember the time when you were one with all, with god, with life.
It is this oneness you came here to remember.
It is within the Garden of Atema (Ah-tay-mah) you will flourish and a blossoming will begin.
First in your heart, then in your mind, now to your body.
Reminder of your Divine Sweet origins.
Now let it flourish around you in the Garden of Atema.
A paradise re-newed, re-found, re-membered,
Here in your Garden of Atema you enliven, awaken, enlighten.
Share your love. Listen. Imagine. Create.
Life is sweet. Life responds.
Find joy together in your Garden of Atema."
Saleena: I love the feeling of… "Life is sweet. Life responds." I can feel it so deep inside me when I sing it.
Marimar: That's all I have to share right now, did you feel one with them today?
Saleena: This morning I did some Sun Gazing for a long time. The sun was very white and pure feeling and there were new codes coming in, very strong ones. They came into my body and I sent them into the Mother Earth.
I was walking around looking at everything and explaining it out loud. That must have been their influence! I don't usually do that unless I am videoing. Talking to some invisible audience that might see my video someday…
Marimar: Yeah, they had me doing that, too. Why did you film?
Saleena: I do that to document the diversity and beauty of this Earth. I like the view from the microcosm and it's coming from a very different space than when I am working with Messages of Our New Universe.
This is about Hi-Vibe Living and understanding Sustainable and Harmonious Living. I want to share ideas of living this way with everyone. I am dreaming & imagining I will have a blog soon for Hi-Vibe Living. That excites me! Somewhere I can share my photos will be wonder-FULL!. I have spectacular intimate images of the micro-worlds.
I love to when She-reir-stra showed us around with such passion and love for what she is doing.
Marimar: I told her we have pretty heavy gravity here and we do everything physically because we don't much use our minds to create or move things. Pretty heavy gravity makes it hard to move things around.
The oddest thing for her was how primitive our civilization is. Here we were showing up as Star Visitors, yet we are from a very primitive place, not very highly developed in some ways.
Saleena: Yes, I came here to help pull the Earth into a higher consciousness and evolution. Also, I explained to her the controller system and how brilliantly successful it has been to delay our evolution.
Marimar: I did get into money and how some own so much more and others have so very little. It's all divided up and territorial still. She knows about this kind of behavior amongst the animals but didn't expect it from the dominant human species.
Saleena: I am explaining to them how the controllers intended to use Planet Earth, humans and all species here for their gain and as their slaves.
How amazingly successful their plan has been to convince and train budding Creator God beings to think that they are powerless and have to spend all their time and energy serving the system just to survive.
How all their multidimensional skills were diminished and hidden, kept secret and forbidden so they wouldn't know how to use them.
How a few dominant orders gave themselves all the powers and permission to be the only ones to use the high magic and creation skills to dream in what they want. Like something as simple as how you, She-reir-stra and your people can manifest objects and move them with your mind, your focus. We Have been doing everything the HARD way. Even telepathy and intuition was forbidden.
Most humans had their extra-sensory abilities and even some of their regular senses genetically manipulated. Much was lost because we didn't dare use them. So many humans have lost their clear eyesight because so many things happen we don't want to see as children.
Even the extraterrestrial presence was completely hidden from them for very long time. In order to conceal the higher technologies from us and so they could develop them secretly for their use to gain more control, power and great wealth.
I am showing them how it is coming out into the light now and how people, humans, are beginning to wake up and remember and how we are now in the rapid process of changing everything.
Marimar: She thought it was strange we didn't consider mountains to be alive. She said, "They talk don't they?" I said some societies talk to their bigger ones, like the Apus in Peru. They are Gods in their cultures and they talk to them as Gods.
She found the concept that we don't talk to them was odd to her.
I do talk to them when I'm hiking or running on them. Not much when I'm collecting points when I am doing my research.
She's so used to working with them, the mountains, talking to crystals and rocks when she's working with them. She just found it odd people wouldn't talk to them.
Saleena: I do and we are considered the strange ones here. My mom talked to birds and squirrels and dissapear clouds with love and she showed me how just by being herself and she loved nature and the land so much.
Marimar: I was explaining the general societies. The Western Industrial Society is the dominant one around the Earth now.
Saleena: I am showing them all the diversity of life; the many cultures, and the indigenous people. She is astonished at the variety of life here; just all the numbers of different races and cultures all on one planet.
"It isn't like this on most planets" she says, "that we have seen. There might be one or two or maybe three or four races of humanoids or sentient races on one planet..There is three on our planet; nothing like the variety here."
I am showing her how this planet was created to work out many Galactic conflicts and differences experienced by different races and cultures.
Earth was created to make a place where something new could happen; to seed new opportunities for new patterns.
New ways of relating to each other could emerge from what we go through here.
Possibilities of cooperation instead of conflict or separation.
That is why everyone watches us so closely…to see how conflicts might work out. That is why it is important for us to work it out inside first, then it can show as new behaviour around us.
Marimar: She is interested in that, setting up environments to see how different species can develop or evolve. Did you share about our extinctions going on? We are actually losing a lot of our species.
This gives me the idea that these Library Planets like Earth and her planet are not just about recording what happened or happens, they are about pushing the envelope of evolution. Developing new potential for life.
Saleena: I haven't mentioned that to them. You said something earlier about 50 Library Planets?
Marimar: Somebody said there were 50 Library Planets, like Earth, maybe Alex Collier and the Andromedans? Someone like that. Don't quote me on that, I'll see if I can find out. I don't think it was Alex.
Saleena: Barbara Marciniak? Maybe in her book "Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library"? Downloadable Version
Marimar: You have the book right there…
Saleena: I opened it and go to the very end; page 251, The Epilogue and then over to page 249 to the Energy Exercise. As I read it, the Energy Exercise, it is all about seeding the New Earth and letting go of the old.
Energy Exercise
Imagine yourself standing under the open sky. The air is fresh and alive, and the ground feels firm and solid beneath your feet. Take a deep breath and say to yourself, "I am alive!"
Focus on your vitality and travel into the moment of your imagination, as the painter of your inner vision.
Picture an ancient stone circle before you, and for a few moments open yourself to the vibrations of the 12 majestic megaliths as they stand erect and dignified under the canopy of time.
Feel the stones speak if they convey the experience of their commitment as consciousness.
They have been alive and aware for grand epochs of existence, encased as the bone of Earth.
Walk up to a stone, place your hand on the cool surface, and listen with yourselves as golden spirals danced their way through the stone into your now.
Walk from giant to giant, experiencing the 12th and sensing the task and monumental energy each stone preserves.
Take that energy and transfer it to yourself so that the bones of your being are filled with golden spirals.
Step now to the center of this ring of stones and plant a seed that holds a resplendent and glorious version of Earth, in which she is honored and crowned by her people.
Using your knowledge of light and intent, create a spark of life to activate the seed.
See the center of the circle expand in the seed grow as Golden spirals spin off in all directions, passing through the avenues of 12, seeding a new Earth.
Now, a voice speaks, familiar in tone and form, saying, "we are you, on the Golden spirals of time, cycling the epochs of existence, calling to ourselves. Be uplifted. May your journey began anew. Be yourselves."
And then I am impressed to go on to the Epilogue, page 251:
"Dear Ambassadors of Light,"
Saleena: I feel very emotional since they seem to be talking directly to me — to us in our personal lives. Because we are on the brink of letting go of our lives and familiar structure; garden, space of love, and moving into an unknown adventure.
"Be aware that even within the new concepts you grasp lie structure and limitation. However, each new "daring" you pursue takes you to a new vista, where you scale the peaks of existence as divine teachings play themselves out today in your own version of life. Ask yourselves what chapter closes as you view this segment of your lives, this moment of the ever — expanding now. What have you pursued to steer you to this very moment in time in order to further experience life? Inspire yourselves to move further into the moment by letting go of old discoveries, and trust to the core of your being that a new cycle of learning awaits.
Go forward, friends, and be uplifted. Learn in your own way to go into the past through the ever — expanding, spontaneous, synchronistic moment. A new cycle of existence awaits you. Use the tools of thought to guide yourselves on the new superhighway of consciousness. No technology will ever surpass the magnificence of your own biological/spiritual beings.
For many of you, these days may be filled with sadness as the letting go becomes more and more challenging. The keys of consciousness for living through these tumultuous times on Earth have been given to you to the best of our ability and yours at this time. May you grow in wisdom and flourish.
Your visible friends and colleagues in the unknown, The Pleiadian."
Saleena: I feel She-reir-stra with me. She is feeling my emotions. She was comforting me; she sees what we are going through. She shares that their lives are rather constant and protected from drastic changes like we are experiencing. I feel her; sending waves of compassion from her and her people. I feel it from all their people. They were all aware of us as a collective mind and they all connect it so they could all turn in to everything we are doing and sharing.
She says to me, "You are very strong being. We honor our new friendship. I am — we are — grateful to share with you our way of life and witness and learn from yours.
We are happy to continue to share until we all feel complete. These are great learning moments when the best and the worst of our lives begin to seed something new for others, for evolution. This is what we value.
We are blessed to live such a sheltered and peaceful life and to be able to learn from yours without having to go through those struggles.
The cheer you all forward and are happy to see you are creating a new Earth for yourselves so your lives may be more pleasant and sustained. Your people, the ones that are awakening and the ones who are awakened, you are magnificent dreamers — creators!
We are, as Library Planets,
affecting all of creation by what we
create and embed into the Living Libraries.
In this we are related.
We are grateful to get to know you
and are here to lend moral support
and new ideas if we are able.
Please visit us whenever you desire.
Thank you for allowing us to visit you. We bond with love and appreciation. Our hearts will be our connection now — our bridge.
Marimar: I was feeling a nice connection of love there.
Saleena: It has been a very delightful and pleasant experience.
Marimar: I am very delighted folks! I haven't seen Jah ah non, maybe he is still with Colin, who would be sleeping now? It is 2:49 PM Hawaiian time.
Saleena: We have the most amazing interesting creative life! I am grateful!
So if anyone can connect with us with the information about the 50 Library Planets, please do.
2011-06-12 The Next Day
Marimar: I was thinking about love. Remembering the reason we met those folks on the new Library planets, Agar. The growth medium for bacterial microbial life in a petri dish, this whole planet is like that! Growing new life!
At the Tree of Wishes, you asked for an example of passionate love on their planet, so they took it to the tree with its fruit. We wouldn't have had that experience the same way if you had asked that question. I don't think it was on the itinerary.
Now I found that the family we visited had this kind of quality of passionate love for their planet and animals. So that was another example of how they are and how they are doing their life.
So my main thought was how the whole experience unfolded from your question.
If you ask the right question you get this whole surprising and rich learning adventure!
Saleena: I went out this morning to Sun Gaze and connect with the Earth and harvest some more fruit and papayas. I found these amazing mushrooms! They look like Criminis, only one is all shiny and coppery and looks like a spaceship disc. The first thing I wanted to do was coming get you to see it and also to take a picture. I thought She-reir-stra might still be with you.
Marimar: I still feel I have an egg in me. The new planetary Paradise Earth egg. I mainly see it, not a shiny today and not as transparent and more solidified. It is a dull silver, less mirror shine to it. Yesterday I saw it as a shiny mirror ball. I can make no sense of what is going on with it though.
This might be her in the cocoon.
Saleena: Ask if it is?
Marimar: They said, "Our hopes and dreams."
Saleena: Of Paradise Earth?
Marimar: Yeah…
Saleena: I remember a message from someone, my guides probably. They shared that we might consider starting now to live as if we are already living on Paradise Earth. To make every choice is if we are already there.
If we live on her already, what I think, how I interact with people, the choices I make, and how I feel is different if I am already living on Paradise Earth.
I was also asking how we could begin the process of illustrating Tristan's story so they can get it out to share with everyone. His travels to the planet that is similar to Earth has the same capacity to give us ideas and feeling of what it's like living on a planet that is already living in harmony with each other and with all life.
Marimar: Paradise Earth isn't in cocoon anymore,
Saleena: I wonder how long until Mother Earth will be birthed physically into her new body?
2011-06-14 Tuesday
Marimar: Our visitors from the other Library Planet seem to have returned to their planet. I feel our connection was positive. They are most likely grateful they don't live on such a barbarous planet and they can continue their work quietly uplifting species. That's what they seem to do.
Saleena: I am very grateful to have met such quality beings and shared so much. Thank you She-reir-stra, Janook and Jah ah non… let's do this again sometime!
Enjoy Part 1:
Visit to Library Planet – Sharing Ideas
to Shape Life on New
Paradise Earth