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Solar Interconnectedness – Sun-Sol eNewz Update


2013-10-26 Solar Update

Aloha Heart Family!

If you have been feeling extremely tired, drained, irritable, memory glitches, achy, irrational, etc…

It could be the Sun. We are being bathed in so much solar activity right now it is amazing. Just a reminder that it most likely isn’t a personality glitch or weakness, it is just our Sun-Sol tuning our magnetic and other subtle fields.

We had 2 X-Class Solar Flares on the 25th!  

It was interesting to listen to the Sun’s “voice” as it blasted us. Here is the recording 


I had the interesting experience of getting very hot after I listened to it. I thought what a coincidence. Then a friend listened to it and said the same thing… hmmm…. Another friend said he sat down and listened to the Sun’s “music message” since he had the thought that maybe the Sun was sending us a message and he wanted to receive it. There have been days when I have sat in the Sun and felt as if information was being downloaded into me.


I like the idea of the Sun being an integral part of a greater interconnected system instead of a random phenomenon. It feels like I am being restructured. I feel like a totally different kind of being than I was less than a year ago.

Interconnected Solar Activity – CMEs


WEEKEND FORECAST: Solar activity remains high. NOAA forecasters estimate a 70% chance of M-flares and a 35% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. Over the next three days (Oct. 26-28), a series of CMEs created by the recent limb eruptions will deliver glancing blows to Earth's magnetic field, possibly sparking polar geomagnetic storms. Aurora alerts: textvoice.

INTERCONNECTED SOLAR ACTIVITY: The X1-flare of Oct. 25th was remarkable not only for its strength, but also for its interconnectedness. The flare was bracketed by two erupting magnetic filaments, each located hundreds of thousands of kilometers from the instigating sunspot AR1882. The whole episode, shown in this SDO movie, was reminiscent of the famous global eruption of August 2010.

Today, Oct. 26th, it happened again. Click on this image of the sun's southwestern quadrant and watch a sequence of flare activity around sunspots AR1875 and AR1877 followed by a filament eruption off the SW limb:

Instead of being a sequence of unrelated events, these flares and eruptions are likely connected by magnetic fields, which thread through the whole broad region. Like dominoes falling, one explosion triggers another as shock waves follow magnetic fields from blast site to blast site.

The filament punctuated the sequence by hurling a part of itself into space. SOHO has observed a CME emerging from the blast site, but it is too soon to say whether it is heading for Earth. Stay tuned for updates.


Saleena: Another example that all life systems are interconnected. Our Sun is an amazing mystery. I love the Sun so much, I have always loved it, from the time I was a little girl. I still love to sit in its warm and absorb its energy. There are so many ways to explore our relationship with our Sun, Sol. If you are interested in more perspectives of our Sun you can continue to explore more about it here in my Solar theme:

Solar Connections

If you scroll to the bottom you can see all my Art and Vibrakeys that are Sun inspired and related.


Sun Room

One of my Vibrakeys is VK51 Temple of Anuenue Rainbow.



It is a bridge to a unique place that is designed as an interdimensional space you can visit and learn more about our expanding reality beyond our previous limited perceptions of 3D. In the temple there are 4 rooms that are connections to these elements; Sun, Ocean Water, Clear Water and Earth. I love visiting the Sun Room. It is my favorite place to go when I need nourishing and nurturing. There are many other things to explore here. You can read more about it here .


Consider Vibrakeys as artistic gifts that keep giving at many levels


Vibrakey Gallery


Vibrakeys 101 


Consider an Adventure into the Sun…


Sessions & Readings  

Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure Sessions



Much love & new Creation3 energy flowing to you amidst these Solar winds,

Saleena Kí 

All content is copyright of the author-artist Saleena Kí aka Joan Ov’Art unless otherwise noted. Feel free to share this eNewZ and please keep my contact information attached Please feel free to forward this onto your friends. Thank you.

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