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Where is Saleena & What is Happening with this Blog?



Update Jan 20, 2016 This post was originally to let you know what has happened to this website and me. In case you noticed, I stopped posting here regularly for a couple of years and had planned to phase out of my current use of it. I thought I would be retiring this website. I thought I would leave it online to remain a wonderful archive of messages, Omni-D Travel Adventures, Useful Tools & Techniques and a miscellaneous resource of topics, projects I like to share. 

Update Feb 25, 2016 

Energy & My Life UPDATES

Aloha All, Update Feb 2016 There is one given about living here on Mother Earth. Life changes. We change. We evolve. Our ideas evolve. Mine have. Time has turned into some kind of crazy speeded up blur. Some days I am challenged with symptoms of the ever increasing pulses coming from our Galactic Center, causing us ALL to change, to raise our bodies ability of being able to contain and use the every increasing quality of light (information) pouring in now and keep up with Mother Earth's intent climb in consciousness and frequency. We either consciously deal with every dark thought, thing or feeling that rises up out of the depth of our subconscious or we SUFFER. Personally I prefer to use skills, and ask for support if I need, to quickly deal with these old pieces and programs and move on into the Joy and EXCITEMENT of this NEW ENERGY and all the POTENTIAL and POSSIBILITIES opening up to us as we move into higher realms, higher dimensions.

My most of my days speed by filled with a nice level of HAPPY for NO REASON and actually there are many reasons for me to be happy. I am filled with amazing ideas and my higher self downloads. It seems to be endless. I have designed my life so that I have time and space for conscious co-creations with Nature,conscious and conscious co-creations with higher dimensional beings so our reality can move into a more responsible, truthful, transparent and sustainable reality known as life on Earth. I call them PROJECTS. I have lots of Projects going on now. I have a nature that is a Weaver, so weaving in and out of them is what I do. I love writing, drawing, reading, gardening, learning new things, remember more and more of who I truly AM and I LOVE SHARING them with you!

The OverALL OD AWEd Life of Saleena Kí Project

My OD Life Tree

I am co-creating a new set of interlinked websites that comprehensively express my various CREATIVE PROJECTS and OUR ADVENTURES. It is an ongoing process of co-creation and I have lots of 

help I am sooooooo GRATEFUL for.  Most of these are new branches and some are upgraded website. Most of them are nearing a point where I will feel confident and excited to open their doors.

I am basing my whole new interlinked system on the idea of a Tree representing my "OD" Life, OD meaning omni-dimensional. Each of my websites represent a branch in my Tree of Life. Please be patient when you visit each branch and enjoy what it there, forgive the construction process and rumble and let me know if you find any broken links or strange behaving phenomenon. That helps. There are Contact Me links under Site Info on each Branch. I am creating each website, with the loving patient help of my loving podner & GENIUS WEBMASTER-PROGRAMMER, Marimar. This creative endeavor has stretched me to unbelievable new heights of new creational skills, new levels of patience and challenged me to the MAX! I perservere (to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult and challenging) because this is something so very important to me on MY LIFE PATH. This is a DREAM COMING TRUE for me and I look forward to the day when all the structure is done and I simply SHARE WHAT I LOVE with you in the moment it is fresh and exciting.


The TRUNK of my TREE OF LIFE is The OD AWEd Life of Saleena Kí This website is my central HOMEBASE that links all my Branches (MY OD CREATIVE PROJECTS) together and hosts the main information about how things work in my OD AWEd LIFE TREE, my OMNISTORE (just beginning) which is where any product offered on any branch is sold and someday Omni-Memberships. Sometimes when you click on a link in one of the other branch websites, it will take you to this HOMEBASE It's okay, that is how my TREE is interlinked and interconnected. Each BRANCH of my Tree represents the many different CREATIVE PROJECTS I create and participate in. Each one has a different style and feeling to the website. They all link back to my HOMETREE. 


Messages of Our New Universe Is now being redesigned (to be released soon) and taking on a new role in my Tree. I have decided to revive this website and begin sharing the leading edge news that is about what is shaping our reality now. There is still lots going on concerning the dimensional shift and changes happening to us ALL on Earth. There are ongoing personal and collective ascension activities, meaning what is happening to raise the vibration of our bodies and turn us into higher lighter more conscious beings is relentless. The Earth, as a planetary being, is rising into a higher dimensional place and whoever is on her surface gets to go along for the ride. The polarities seem to be widening. Chaos is getting stronger, dark is getting darker, light is getting stronger, people's intentions for a better world is getting stronger. Some say this is exactly with is supposed to happen. No more fence sitting. Which every way you are going to go, go for it.

This website still has lots of Useful Techniques that help raise the vibrational level of both your physical body and your consciousness, plus lots of articles that are still timely, including some Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventures) I am in the process of updating this message portal to the newest technologies and reviving it. There are still many new messages to share about our AMAZING journey to higher realms as Earth wrapped Souls. The older resources of this Messages of Our New Universe website will stay online, even when we change over to the new theme and update it. The articles and messages still hold timely insights and treasures just when you need them. They are also linked to Vibrakeys.com in the Themes and with an Blog Index that makes topics and things of interest easier to find. I will be eventually republish many of the various portals and pages into the other websites.

So Messages of our New Universe is being revived and re-purposed. I hope you enjoy it.


GardenSong Project

My GardenSong Project tends to be my most active project during Spring through late Fall, as long as weather permits. Conscious CO-CREATION with NATURE is the central theme of this branch. I am beginning to post more Nature Stories here and just created my first photo Galleries under the category of I LOVE BIRDS to pave the way for more. I am so happy now I get to share my LOVE of NATURE through my camera EYES! I am so happy that Spring is nearly here, with the first FLOWERS popping out of Mother Earth. I have so many wonderful FLOWER, BUTTERFLY, BUGS PHOTOS to share. They are coming. I have a section to share some of the GardenSong Projects I have been involved in and ones that other friends and family have started. Just look at the menu under GardenSongs. I have really FUN GARDENS with little stories to share about them. Little by little I will get them shared. I have an ongoing relationship with the FAIRIES and we are co-creating some really FUN stuff to share, like STORIES they have shared with me, and ART they have inspired, like a new Vibrakey that is in process to help connect you to them.

I offer the GARDENSONG PROJECT KIT to help you get your own GardenSong going so you can begin your adventure of consciously co-creating with your local Nature and Nature Beings. That is a big reason I share this project, in hopes that my experiences will inspire you to start your own.

During this last 2015 season, I spent much of my time playing in my middle Tennessee GardenSong2.  This meant spending much time in these rather intense energies (when are they anything other than intense for the last number of years?) grounding bare foot outside, playing with and co-creating with Plants, Fairies and Nature. The focus right now, for me, is more on sustainability and land stewardship and more adventures with Nature Beings and less on the Omni-D Travel Adventures with off worlders, though we are called to serve from time to time.We still love to support you on your own personal Omni-D Travel Adventure

Spring is near and I have planted so many bulbs and tubers that this year will be a surprise and wonderland of new flowers. I have enjoyed the Birds and look forward to the return of the Butterflies. This year we have a greenhouse to experiment with. I still have lots to learn and much to enjoy. Our first daffodils are up and I have three in a vase near me as I write this.

Pollinator Habitat

All last year Marimar was helping his sister, Nell, create a 2 acre Pollinator Habitat on his family's beautiful ancestral Motherland. They are in process of removing invasives, have planted 100s of Trees, and seeded many native Plants and Flowers that support the local and some endangered Insects and Wildlife. This is also allowing the supportive natives to emerge in greater numbers, like the Milkweed that the Monarchs love and rely on was lovely when it was in full bloom Many more came up this year with the removal of the grasses and vines that previously choked them out.

All of 2015 we encouraged the Butterflies and Bees and learned so much about Butterflies. Learning their names and observing what kinds of flowers supported them the best. We documented, with photos and dates, at least 45 species of Butterflies in the Gardens at GardenSong and in the Butterly Habitat. Our last sighting was in mid November! That was very amazing to us!


We will begin sharing more of our story with photos at the Butterfly Sanctuary/Pollinator Habitat page at the GardenSong Project.


My OD Life Stories

My OD Life Stories which has only just begun and will be an online continuous "autobiography" of my life experiences. This is where I get to have fun with my LOVE of STORYTELLING! Actually in all my website branches my stories are woven in, through my WRITING, my ART and MUSIC.


The Art of Saleena Kí

One of my branches highlights my ART as in The Art of Saleena Kí (barely beginning and much more to add) My incredibly busy genius programmer-webmaster, Marimar, is creating a fabulous program that will automate the way we add my ART, my PHOTOS and even PAGES into any website and on into our Omni-Store. It takes me a very long time to find, size, prep, add metadata, watermark and load up just one Gallery. Then to hook them all up into the OmniStore so you can purchase them in a variety of forms for your own enjoyment and activations. So when he is done, this website will begin to blossom and fill with ALL my ART. This is a very exciting goal and hopefully soon to be manifest.


In the meantime, you can enjoy and purchase my unique activational ART called VIBRAKEYS. Just click either link to visit this branch. Even Vibrakeys.com, my first and longest standing website, is destined for updating someday.   For now we are focusing on getting the whole TREE functioning smoothly. Vibrakeys showcases my art that serves as both decorative awesome art and supportive omni-dimensional tools in your personal life. They contain elements that broadcast combinations of vibrations and activations that help you change, help you turn on your super senses, help you step into a higher functioning higher dimensional life. They are easy to use, long lasting and adjust as you change, offering different levels of support as needed. You might say they are "smart technology." They are hosted by many different benevolent other dimensional beings. I call them cross-cultural, and not just of this Earth's culture. They are also design to be heart oriented, only operating when approached with heart oriented intentions, both from your side and from anyone hosting or offering you service from the higher dimensions through one of these keys. There are 100s of choices that serve many different needs. Including Kits and Sets that focus them into a synergistic group of them

Omni-D Travel Adventures

Our Omni-D Travel Adventures (just beginning). Plans for sharing more here are underway. We have SO MANY ADVENTURES to share and are always ready to book you a ticket to co-create your own personal Omni-D Travel Adventure Session with us. Usually those who are ready for a QUANTUM LEAP in their lives sign up for this kind of adventure. Sure healing takes place along the way, yet having this much fun and gaining new movement and perspective of yourself leads the way! Visit Omni-D Session Details for more understanding of what we offer.

Benevolent Contact

The Art of Benevolent Contact (just beginning) This is a HOT topic now days with many brave souls coming forward to share their real experience of the truth of extraterrestrial life and the reality that the truth of this has been methodically hidden from us for a very long time. That we already have very high STARTREK kinds of technologies operating secretly, that could heal us of every malady we suffer now. That there are many kinds of beings, life on Planets nearby and much activity that has been here-to-fore been classified as Science Fiction. My intention for this new Branch is to highlight BENEVOLENT CONTACT. Connecting to and co-creating with many different kinds of beings, from the unseens on and in Earth, to those who live off planet, meaning off Planet Earth. The key is to learn to discern how to choose who to open up to and play and co-create with. It is coming… if you sign up for my OD AWEd LIving eNews, you will be informed when it is opened up and ready to enjoy.

Living Water

Exploring the wonders of the mysterious element of Living Water (a beginning)…

High Vibrational Living

Hi-Vibe OD (omni-dimensional) Living (coming)


As you visit  my new websites, you will find some things to explore and many things still in process.


What Happened to Colin?

Colin has launched his new Being Quantum meditations which are offered as free downloads from his recently redesigned The Magic of Being website.

"This whole process has been magically supported by Saleena's visionary high-vibe artwork." Colin shares, "She redesigned the Magic of Being banner to bring more light and sparkle in. Then she designed my Being Quantum logo just how I wanted it to be, expressing the new quantum crystal rainbow energy as I have been seeing and feeling it."

We are happily available to support you during these intense amazing times with a personal Session or Reading and my Vibrakeys are just waiting for you to discover how amazing they really are and how easily they support you in your life and assist you to open up to new skills and perceptions of omni-dimensions, supporting you to live your life in many new ways.

Stay Connected with eNews

If you want to stay connected you can sign up for my  OD AWEd Living eNews which will share a little news from all my creative projects & websites. If you are on the  SpinningStarS eNewZ  list you will receive a notification of the shift and have an option at that time to manage your subscription.

Much of my time and attentions are now being focused on bringing my Tree online and then I get to play while I share what I love to do with you!

Much love to you ALL!

Saleena Kí 









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