SpinningStarS eNewz
Solstice Update: 2011-06-04
Cosmic Wave Arriving
of June 2011
Sophia's Message
Magnified Solstice &
Ascension Opportunity
Birth of A New Vibrakey
VK82 Buddha's Eye
Bridge to HOME
How this Leads to the
Cosmic Wave
Saleena Story: Aloha All! These energies have been so intense I haven't had much brain power left to organize my thoughts into something that would make sense to share here with you. Astonishing rearrangement of my body-mind-spirit almost every day since the beginning of 2011. Chaotic Nodes and Planetary – Galactic – Universal alignments GALORE! Here we are in the Eclipse sandwich that Aluna Joy talks about.
Colin and I meet regularly to check in to see what Omni-D Adventure we will call ourselves into next. This is one way we make ourselves available when there is an assignment; something to do or share with our Higher Dimensional Friends and Guides. I sometimes call them our Whole Soul Committees. Marimar occasionally joins us and sometimes others. We do a lot of upgrading old energy systems, creating and introducing new energy opportunities. We assist in bringing in new codes or frequencies, weaving new systems or devices that will serve us all in the acceleration of our Ascension Process.
When we partake of these high vibrational opportunities it causes our own Body-Minds & Spirits to keep raising our vibrations and releasing the old lower frequency past stuff. It also make a space for higher dimensional beings, some of which are other parts of our soul, to share ideas and energies and co-create to help usher us all through this unique ascension portal. Often our adventures take on us on Planetary, Galactic or even Universal levels of assignments. This is why I call them Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventures!
This is one way that we birth in our newest reality potentials and often a Vibrakey design emerges as part of those processes. This is how we co-create these Frequency Art Tools that can bridge you anytime to the beings and energies that we are working and playing with as they are created, They are filled with the newest energies, newest codes, in-form-ing informations and bridges, linking you to the spaces and places we were working with. In this way you get to try out time travel and partake of the gifts offered in this way.
Recently we have been working with Buddha and Quan Yin to create a new kind of Soul Essence for ALL Creation. I haven't really studied Buddhism this life so this has been a delightful pleasure to meet the Buddha in this way. This new Soul Essence is having quite an strong effect personally in each of us and is designed to assist in the further opening our third eyes and accelerating the expansion of our physical body's higher dimensional capabilities. It is really ALL about assisting us to awaken, remember what is innately built into us and who we truly are, in-spite of the controllers amazing attempts to hide this from us.
This Adventure actually started for me during a Wesak Full Moon Meditation in mid-May, I think it was on the 14th. I was introduced to Wesak Valley and the Buddha. He invited me to share Soul Essence in a certain way, using what I call the…
Infinity Mudra, connecting our fingers in such a way that we can share our pure Soul Essence back and forth deep into our hearts, then into our cells and back to the other; 'round and 'round until a New Essence is circulating in both of us.
To me this alone was astonishingly profound. To take in the Soul Essence of the Buddha and that he would receive mine. These is no better way to get to know him than this. I tried to study some of the Buddhist philosophies and stories of Buddha and found I couldn't resonate with them at that level, so he found me this way… thank you! The Buddha I met and the one they were talking about didn't seem the same.
I did find this quote I could relate to:
He invited me to co-create a New Vibrakey linking to the powerful energies that normally flow from the Wesak portal during May and June each year from the Master's to assist the Earth. They said they want to be able to connect with us year 'round now and assist at this time. So this would be one way of keeping the portal open and they can bring those that are ready to this Vibrakey. I am currently calling it VK82 Buddha's Eye – Bridge to HOME.
(When it is done, you will find it in the Birthing Gallery where you can order a print or as digital art.)
This adventure has lead us so far to meet with a Blue Buddha, a White Buddha and Quan Yin with whom we shared our pure Soul Essence in a new way, I shared first with the Buddha and then with Quan Yin, then with each other. This mixing creates a brand new creational element. Human and Ascended Masters sharing and mixing their Soul Essence by direction of the Buddha. It has been a profound experience so far.
For weeks now we have been sharing and mixing this Essence to new levels, even moving it up to and offering it to our BENEVOLENT Creator Source.
One of our friends, Naomi, has been helping to edit the transcripts of our Adventures. She has shared with us that as she reads it, she is transported to join us and partake of all the gifts and insights that we experienced during the journey, even if it was three years ago. She believes the informations are still valid and inspiring so she has encouraged me to share more of these whenever I can.
When I re-read any of these adventures, I agree. They are amazing and offer many opportunities to travel into the other dimensions, meet new higher dimensional friends, glean insights and receive many gifts all designed to open one up to a new way of perceiving life and multi- omni-dimensional ways of creating reality. In very FUN ways. That is the point… having FUN!
The idea I am working with is to share them through a mini eBook series called Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventures. My intention is to create a template to take the transcript of one adventure all the way through from the creation of an eBook to offering it online in a very easy way.
I want to make them very affordable since we have so many. I also want our team to be abundantly blessed for taking the time, first to have the adventure, second for creating a record of it, third for organizing it in a fun and useful way to share and lastly for making it available for your pleasure and growth. I am thinking about creating a membership website that will make it easy to keep up with us as they come out.
Saleena Note: I would like to set a tone with you before I share the message from Sophia. What I am going to share in Phases is our response to what she shared the way we work together as a team.
I know that who ever you are reading this, you will have your own intuition, guidance, teams or talents and I intend to send you love and support in such a way that if you are inspired to take some kind of action, you will.
The size and impact of the coming cosmic waves warrant our attentions and I know that everything is gonna be alright. We are powerful Creators and I am great-full for the heads-up so we can use our talents and skills to create a positve outcome with this and the many other energies that we are "scheduled" to receive in the next few years.
Thank you ahead of time for being you, being here, being aware and responding as your heart guides you for this and other energies that are being addressed. Thank you for all you are assisting with in whatever way you are. We are the ones we had been waiting for and…
It's up to us to make 'it' happen, so let's!
Richard Bartlett
Saleena: A few days ago, June 4th, I met with Colin for his morning and my evening check-in… my day had been an odd and interesting day…nothing particularly note worthy.
As we began to tune in… we always start with the heart, connecting there, then he offered to share some of the Source Energy he has been touching into. It was so high and fine and really set my body to quickly expanding.
Our Omni-D Travel Adventure
2011-06-04 Merged Essences – Powerful Cosmic Wave to Arrive at Earth 19th-21st. Creating Filter per Sophia's Invitation – Powerful Solstice Energies
Players: Colin Whitby in Bristol, UK – Saleena Ki – Marimar & AtMan, our Living Ship, on Big Island, Hawaii – Sophia – Moreahl – Logos for Our New Universe – BENEVOLENT Source – BETH, the Living Grid now surrounding Mother Earth – Paradise Earth
1:36:35 AM HT Saleena:
Begin Adventure: Phase 1
Players: Colin – Moreahl – Saleena – Sophia – Quan Yin – White Buddha – AtMan, an Organic Living Ship – BENEVOLENT Source Creator
Begin 10:52:32 AM HT:
Colin: Hello Multi D
11:13:44 AM HT Saleena: Aloha
The energies have been rather intense the last few days… the sort of hang on and we'll get through this… nothing specific…just a kind of deep anxiety….
I have mostly ignored it and gone about busy-ness.
Still finishing the Triple Stargate eGuide…
Colin: Keep going back to White Buddha and touching hands (Quan Yin is usually there, too) – keeps updating my codes or something, really strong this morning…sooooo clear, too.
Saleena: Would like to touch it…
Colin: ok hold out your hand, it's here, then we can touch Marimar too
Saleena: I imagine sitting with you and linking fingers… with one hand then with the White Buddha with the other to run the energy in a triple loop….
Colin: yes, very clear and very powerful – opens all available channels… (whatever that means)
wow there it goes…what a floow…flow…a floow is Scottish, as in 'och aye the noo'
Saleena: open all available channels… thank you… there the flow is amping up…
I would love to greet the Buddha; "It is my pleasure to be in your company…." He nods his head…
Colin: Nice chap…breathe him, he's so so here in us
Saleena: I am seeing another group standing just behind each of us…
Quan Yin is behind you… another you, maybe the Pilot? is behind the White Buddha and who is behind me? Sophia??? or is the one behind you Moreahl?
Colin: Future me, Alchemist perhaps…
Saleena: How is the energy from the third group level interacting with us?
Sophia seems to have her hands on my shoulders…
Colin: Upgrade time?
Saleena: For some reason, AtMan is still resting here… since the New Earth Simulation and new structure for Earth was released… two nights ago he said he had something to share… I didn't have time or head space until last night to listen, then I heard nothing….
I just now heard him say, "I was trying to warn you about this energy coming…"
Then he showed me a blast of very white high intensity light coming our way…and I felt it has to do with why this grouping is here now…
Okay…what are we to do? What can we understand about this energy coming? How far is it before it arrives in the Earth Plane? What is it?
Thank you AtMan… anything else?
Sophia through Saleena: We are here to do what we know how to do… we are going to weave a structure of this energy we are sharing… and set it throughout BETH to assist in the protection and ability to integrate this blast of energy.
For those in the Earth's vicinity. The energy is a cosmic event the has been moving your way for centuries… it is about to arrive…
Colin: I connected BETH to Buddha this morning… interesting…
Sophia: We had hoped that Earth would be ready to use this energy in a positive and upgrading way. This kind of energy can destroy if the planet that is bathed by it is not ready… it can unleash destructive forces that are meant to move things along in creation, anything that is "stuck" will be loosened and begin to move and it can be considered destructive if things are unready for its power.
That is at every level from the micro to the macro…so it can be witnessed moving the planets energies around or it can be witnessed as moving an individual's energy around…like a big cosmic stirring stick… everything will move for a few days… and when it is past the place-space will never be the same.
Saleena: When is this scheduled to arrive?
Sophia: 3 days before the Solstice so the final stirring day will be the Solstice day…
Saleena: Added to the already intense energy line-up this next month?
Sophia: The most effective thing we can do now is to weave this energy that we are sharing now into a kind of organizing filter… something that we can move through BETH's whole structure. IT will help to inform the energies coming in in a more useful way with the level of consciousness that the general Earth and her inhabitants have right now…
WE will ask you and Colin to participate tonight in this part and we ask Saleena to do this again with Marimar and the Logos… then we will be ready for what is coming…
Diagram 1:
Saleena: What shall we do now?
They are turning the level of light up…it is getting brighter and brighter.
I am running the loop of energy around and around into my cells mixing the essence with each one… the Buddha then you… I can feel the ones that stand behind each of us…
Colin: ok
Sophia: We are creating a new kind of essence… in mixing all of us together. you might say it is a new creation material… this new essence and the substance it is is what we will weave the new filter with.
Colin: we are balance, we are the flow
Sophia: Tonight we are creating the first level of it… then when you meet with Marimar that will complete the essence…then we ask if you would meet all together with us and we will weave the new filter…
So at this moment… mix! and enjoy it… it will be delicious….
Colin: ok, I need to close now, it's time to lock up and stuff…
Saleena: When I first felt Sophia and Moreahl came in I felt the New Universe flashing all around us. I saw an image of VK65 Our New Universe
Colin: I'm going to be about in the morning tho
Saleena: I will see if Marimar will join me to do his part then we could meet at your Sunday morning? about when?
11:49:58 AM HT Colin: 6.30 my time?
Saleena: 7:30 our time?
I can feel that this mixing is going to continue during your sleep and during my day… I am beginning to feel very ecstatic…energy level in whole body is rising….
Very wonderful rush of energy…I am appreciating all of you… lovely to share this intimately with you all…
Sophia: It is good to look at VK65 and reconnect with this New Universe energy… some of the essence we are sharing is touched into in this design…
Saleena: I saw that the new filter we were going to weave is a very fine white with pink and gold colors and it looks like fine net with some very intricate geometries in it… it moves throughout BETH's grid system like it is embedded into her every fiber…
11:55 AM HT Sophia: Smiling so sweetly… like only Sophia does… Yes Dearest ONE, and that same filter will be in your own bodies, also…
We will invite anyone who desires it in their bodies to touch in and we will share how to do this…
Instead of this cosmic energies being a moving force which is destructive it can be a force that moves us all through some very dense places and breaks through to a new light quotient in the Earth's plane afterwards…
Progress of the dismantling of the old system and the establishment of the new Paradise Earth system will be accelerated significantly…
We ask you to prepare a message and invitation that will be shared far and wide as soon as possible.
We are delighted that it is time for this…
Continue to stay in touch with this energy mixing until we meet again… we love each of you so very dearly and appreciate your service on the front lines. We are grateful that you are connected to us and living on Earth now. We know that it has been a most challenging assignment and we are supportive of you even when you are unaware of us. We know who you are and take delight in working with you. It is our privilege to work with you.
Within this mixing of essences we are now going to pour forth our love into each of you… you are ready for more than ever…open and receive and as this is mixed and shared we, too, will receive a new level of this pure love.
Saleena: I just set VK65 Our New Universe as my desktop background…and YUMMY!
12:51:23 PM HT How you doing Colin? Guess you disappeared with the energies… went to bed?
I shared with Marimar about this and he says it reminds him of a new kind of technology where at a coastal location where the waves are eroding the coastline, they are proposing to set up a series of evenly spaced cylinders that are anchored to the seafloor and tuned in a specific way to the incoming waves. It creates a sort of frequency structure that reshapes the incoming wave so that it doesn't erode the coast. They also see that it can generate energy.
So this seems one way to understand what we are doing here. It also gives me the idea that whatever we do to reshape the wave coming… we can set it up to generate a kind of energy that will enhance everyone to think clearer and receive a boost of energy,
Similar to how Inelia describes her presence effects people. Without interfering in a way that is prohibited, she can be an effect for people to make clearer choices and decisions about moving forward in their missions. I intend we can structure this "filter" in a way that it impulses us all with this kind of Pure Source Energy.
I am going to shift this conversation to our Skype chat; Omni-D Travel Adventures so we can join together tonight and create.
End Phase 1: 12:59:25 AM HT
to be continued
Phase 2 – Timeline Jumping
– Mixing a New Essence to
Create Cosmic Wave Filter