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Phase 2 – Timeline Jumping – Mixing a New Essence to Create Cosmic Wave Filter



Travel Adventure continued...


Saleena: This is a continuation from Phase 1:

Read this first…

Phase 1 - Cosmic Wave Arriving 18-19-20-21-
Magnified Solstice Opportunity
– Sophia’s Message 


2011-06-04 Phase 2: Checking in: Mixing New Essence with White Buddha – Quan Yin – Saleena – Sophia – Marimar – Logos



Players: Marimar & Saleena Ki on Big Island, Hawaii – White Buddha – Quan Yin – SophiaLogos of our New UniverseVK65 Our New Universe


Begin 4:30:46 PM HT


Marimar: Aloha


Saleena: Let me see if I can now get back to the energies of this morning…. Aloha…


The invitation is for us to join with White Buddha in a triad, link our fingers up in the infinity loop and mix essence with him and each other like we did before.



Behind each of us is standing another being… behind me is Sophia with her hands laying on my shoulders… behind you is Quan Yin…. and behind the White Buddha is the Logos of our New Universe.


Marimar: I see myself sitting in meditation.


Saleena: like the configuration of energies we drew this morning?


Diagram 1:


Marimar: Now I feel someone behind me touch me on my shoulders.  A deep breath.  Now I see a bubble around me.  Like I am floating in a bubble.


Saleena: I am not seeing yet… I just assumed it was Quan Yin, you might look to see?


Marimar: Eyes closed, I feel the energies begin to move. Yes, I think it is Quan Yin, a feminine presence of high vibration. As her energy comes in, I send my presence to her.




Saleena: Breathing to release all of the rest of what happened since this morning… feeling some kind of sadness arising in me…. odd….just witnessing it without judgment…let it move out… hold compassion for the human I AM animating…


Okay I will mix essence with Sophia…




Saleena Note: This portrait reminds me so much of the smile I see Sophia smile when I am with her.


Marimar: Quan Yin is helping me to raise my vibration…


Saleena: White Buddha mixes with Logos….

I need that right now too… thank you… please assist Sophia…thank you…


Marimar: As I work with her, I notice that my sense of who I am in essence is changing… in that I can see and feel my essence more clearly.


Saleena: I am also opening my heart to you…and to myself and to White Buddha and to Quan Yin….


Marimar: Here Quan Yin… taste this God Sparkle that is within me… the essence of who I am…


Saleena: okay now I starting to feel the essence we mixed this morning… it is buzzing in my body, in my cells. The buzz is rising like a thermometer rising… rapidly


I have been so merged with Sophia it is interesting to try to feel her as another being standing behind me, though I see that… I am in each one.  Sharing essence deeper now with her….calming me and bringing me to a harmonic that is new…


Marimar: Now I see my own sparkle reflecting on the surface of the energies that she is sending back to me… like the sun reflecting on the ocean waves.


Saleena: They said to bring up the [VK65 Our New Universe]… it has energies to assist this process… I put it on my desktop… it is quite wonderful & yummy visually & energetically.



Saleena Note Later: I hadn't used it there before. I like keeping certain Vibrakeys on my desktop while working with certain energies and lightwork to help me anchor in new energies – codes – colors when they are flowing in and to keep me connected at a glance to the beings we are co-creating with.


4:44:53 PM HT *** Saleena sent VK65 New Universe-8×150-print.jpg,… ***

That was 4:44…


Marimar: Now I am reaching out on each side: to the Logos on the left and to you/Sophia on the right.


Saleena: I am reaching out to you/White Buddha/Logos


Marimar: I see the Logos energy as green… like the green of a New Earth nature.


Starting to mix that energy with the Sun and the waves into the green of life and Earth.



Marimar: Now on my right I see the pink energies of Sophia tinted with yellow, like VK65.


The energy from me and Quan Yin seems to curl around the energy from Saleena and Sophia, a bit like a double helix.



Marimar: Now it is starting to melt together and flow and mix. The colors include pink and green and blue and yellow. A bit like a pastel rainbow. Here is what it might look like:



Saleena: Lovely… mmm…looks good enough to eat…. and we are… at the deepest level…


Marimar: Now we take this to BETH?


Saleena: Reaching to you to merge and mix… more of what you saw….So have you shared all the way around the circle?


Asking if there is anything else for now? or do we meet back here at 7:30 PM HT when Colin joins us again…


Marimar: I have shared on each side; I think you might have shared with the Logos/White Buddha separately.



If the essences are

alchemically ready in a few hours …

the substance we are making

that we will create the filter in BETH with

then we would do it together….

tonight…in a few hours…


So let's let this combine for now… do you feel complete?


Marimar: I feel complete… but will stay in the energy for a bit longer to enjoy it.


Saleena: It is very delicious… thank you… I will, too…


Marimar: Notice that the rainbow image texture is free for personal or commercial use. 


Saleena: Yes I noticed that…


I am going to combine Sophia's Message from earlier June 04, 2011 4:30 PM HT to get the full effect and remind us what she shared so far:


Sophia's Message

Cosmic Wave



<<< Sophia: We are here to do what we know how to do… we are going to weave a structure of this energy we are sharing… and set it throughout BETH to assist in the protection and ability to integrate this blast of energy.


<<< For those in the Earth's vicinity. The energy is a cosmic event the has been moving your way for centuries… it is about to arrive…


<<< We had hoped that Earth would be ready to use this energy in a positive and upgrading way. This kind of energy can destroy if the planet that is bathed by it is not ready… it can unleash destructive forces that are meant to move things along in creation, anything that is "stuck" will be loosened and begin to move and it can be considered destructive if things are unready for its power.


<<< That is at every level from the micro to the macro…


<<< so it can be witnessed moving the planets energies around or it can be witnessed as moving an individual's energy around…like a big cosmic stirring stick… everything will move for a few days… and when it is past the place-space will never be the same.


<<<Saleena: When is this scheduled to arrive?


<<< Sophia: 3 days before the Solstice so the final stirring day will be the Solstice day…


<<<The most effective thing we can do now is to weave this energy that we are sharing now into a kind of organizing filter… something that we can move through BETH's whole structure. IT will help to inform the energies coming in in a more useful way with the level of consciousness that the general Earth and her inhabitants have right now…


<<<We will ask you and Colin to participate tonight in this part and we ask Saleena to do this again with Marimar and the Logos… then we will be ready for what is coming…


<<<We are creating a new kind of essence… in mixing all of us together. you might say it is a new creation material… this new essence  and the substance it is is what we will weave the new filter with.


<<<Tonight we are creating the first level of it… then when you meet with Marimar that will complete the essence…then we ask if you would meet all together with us and we will weave the new filter…


<<<It is good to look at VK65 and reconnect with this new Universe energy… some of the essence we are sharing is touched into in this design…


<<< Saleena: So that is what we are doing now. I saw that the new filter we were going to weave is a very fine white with pink and gold colors and it looks like fine net with some very intricate geometries in it… it moves throughout BETH's grid system like it is embedded into her every fiber…


<<< Sophia: Smiling so sweetly… like only Sophia does… yes Dearest one, and that same filter will be in your own bodies also…


<<< We will invite anyone who desires it in their bodies to touch in and we will share how to do this…


<<< Instead of this cosmic energies being a moving force which is destructive it can be a force that moves us all through some very dense places and breaks through to a new light quotient in the Earth's plane afterwards…


<<< Progress of the dismantling of the old system and the establishment of the new Paradise Earth system will be accelerated significantly…


<<< We ask you to prepare a message and invitation that will be shared far and wide as soon as possible.


<<< We are delighted that it is time for this…


<<<  Continue to stay in touch with this energy mixing until we meet again… we love each of you so very dearly and appreciate your service on the front lines. We are grateful that you are connected to us and living on Earth now. We know that it has been a most challenging assignment and we are supportive of you even when you are unaware of us. We know who you are and take delight in working with you. It is our privilege to work with you.


<<< Within this mixing of essences we are now going to pour forth our love into each of you… you are ready for more than ever…


<<< Open and receive and as this is mixed and shared we, too, will receive a new level of this pure love.


Saleena: I just wanted to piece together Sophia's message so it can be read in one flow… Marimar, make sure you open for the love to be turned up…


End 5:12:13 PM HT


Phase 1  

Cosmic Wave Arriving 18-19-20-21-
Magnified Solstice Opportunity
– Sophia’s Message – Phase 1


Phase 3 


Phase 3: Growing the Cosmic Wave Filter
– Visiting Paradise Earth

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