Our Omni-Dimensional Adventure Continues
This is Phase 3
2011-06-04 Phase 3: Cosmic Wave Filter Creation – Visiting Paradise Earth
Players: Colin – Saleena – Marimar – Sophia – White Buddha – Quan Yin – Belees – Jellyfish Womb Being – Paradise Earth – Gaia – Mother Earth – BETH, the Living Grid – BENEVOLENT Source Creator
Locations: in the Belly of Creation
Begin 6/4/2011 6:51:52 PM HT
6:51:52 PM HT Colin: Ok, aloha. Just caught up with your messages
6:53:07 PM HT Saleena: How you??? I am eating and Marimar is resting…said he would join us "in a minute".
Saleena: Marimar was reading the Timeline Jumping. Did you read it and try it out?
Colin: Not sure, I did read Tom Kenyon's message, can't recall doing exercises tho
Saleena: How is the new energy in you right now?
I would like to get back into the energy…. going to breathe deep and open up and touch back in… one question is…did we give enough time for the energies that Marimar joined us to mix? Is everything set up to proceed to create the filter?
Colin: Lets go there and find out
Saleena: The TimeLine Jumping seemed like such a cool idea and yet I never tried it out the way they said…yet when Marimar explained what he got from it… we already are doing this…. I just don't associate what we are doing with that title.
Okay I am ready to start… aloha Colin!
Colin: Aloha, holding out my hand so we can touch energies again, and one for Buddha…
7:00:59 PM HT Marimar: Aloha
Saleena: Reaching to Sophia…greeting White Buddha… opening to Quan Yin….
ALOHA!!! nice to feel you here…
Colin: mmmm divine…the highest clearest energy so far
Marimar: I saw an image of three hands crossing in a circle.
Saleena: yeah…I was just thinking that we might want to share the two mixes…actually would be two mixes in each of us….
What are the hands doing? Couldn't do the finger link mudra or could we?
Colin: can feel the energy rising, Aloha Marimar, nice to be with you in this flow
yes, that's the image I have, I seem to have more hands than arms tho, one for everyone here
Marimar: It was like each hand was holding the next wrist; with the vibration rising together.
Saleena: I am feeling all nervous…not sure why I can't really feel in yet? I ask that I might have some assistance to move to the level where I can really join in…
I am getting lots of pressure in my head… around the sides and back… going to call in a part of me that can expand to receive this energy gradually….
Saleena: turn the energy inside out….
Colin: the finger link is more potent, I've linked to Buddha and Quan Yin in this way
Marimar: I guess the idea is to share energies together and feel the vibration rise. I am not sure we have to link hands. Just witness who we are to each other.
Saleena: Pressure getting so strong need assistance…. Sophia says there is a seal at the mouth of Chandra or Atlas Major that needs to be popped now…
Colin: don't worry about how this looks, we are linking to each other across time and space so having more limbs is fine…
Saleena: I say yes… thank you for helping in any way to remove it…
Colin: where's that?
Saleena: right at base of skull top of neck…is it just mine or everyone's?
Colin: ok, I can see it. Mine feels ok, but let's help you first
Saleena: looks like a thin film with pastel colors floating on it like oil on a soap bubble film…
I saw Sophia place her finger through it…didn't pop and it started feeling less pressure…
Colin: just running some of this Buddha light through it, gently
Saleena: Sophia: Are you ready?
Colin: Yes I am
Saleena: YES! and just then sneezing really big and stomach growling…like energy moving… feel like had an allergic reaction just them… releasing it….
Marimar: I can see the pastel light around me like a bubble… stomach growled also.
Saleena: every starting to move now…was building now it is flowing…
Marimar: seems like we are starting to lift off…
Saleena: pressure easing now…
Colin: energy swirling around us as we sit in the centre like in the eye of the storm
Saleena: I am seeing a really odd sight… we are being lifted by a creature that looks like a giant jellyfish… that is "flying" us to where we need to go… it is transparent and very beautiful…exotic looking…
Colin: feels like our ships, wonder if he/she is one if the energies that helps us build our ships
Saleena: That was the first impression I got in a flash when I first saw it, that this was something that would help us make the filter…
Lovely being it is…
Marimar: Feels like denser energies are dropping off as we go up…
Colin: feel very close to creator here, source energy very present
Saleena: Remember when I first saw the being standing behind Buddha I thought it was your Pilot, then it was Moreahl…
I no longer see anyone else with us except the three of us though I feel them all as if they are right here with us… and they are now in our essence…
Colin: Yes, pilot part knows how to weave this way
Saleena: Seems we are going to BETH…like we were way out somewhere else doing the essence merging.
Marimar: I feel pretty transparent in this energy
Saleena: Though it does seem we are going higher… maybe we are going to another level of BETH?
I doesn't feel like the normal BETH when I touch into where we are going…
Colin: we weave at both levels, linking the two, I sense we are with Beth too, even as we rise
Saleena: Aloha BETH…. you are made of this kind of being , too, aren't you?
Marimar: Seems like BETH is smiling yes to you.
Colin: have been asked to open more, so here goes…so that I can be more Love…going inside out
Saleena: What I see is that we are inside of a kind of bubble of this creature. The top umbrella shaped "wings" is flapping to move us along… then some long tube down and part way out of the umbrella, and there we are inside… now when you started turning inside out… so did I and them Marimar…
Marimar: seems like our transparent bubbles are merging
Saleena: and we all started spinning very fast and flashing like lights and sparks inside this bubble belly of our transport…
Colin: can kind of see where this new wave is coming from, right inside source, we just tap in and become the flow
Saleena: the being has stopped in a particular place in space…a just right place to create this…and we are going to stay inside it for the creation…
So I am beginning to imagine the earth inside our triangle and circle…a little orb hanging so pretty a blue marble Paradise Earth.
I am greeting her… Aloha Paradise Earth… we love you! I am showing her what we are about to do…
Colin: feels like we harmonise with the wave energy, so that we resonate with it
Saleena: so now I am imagining BETH's grid all around her like a beautiful mesh neuron-living network… all around her…
Colin: mmm Aloha Paradise Earth
Marimar: opening a love bubble around her…
Saleena: I can feel how much love and high frequency we are in or we are…
Colin: Earth remembers us as Founders, and loves us deeply, as we bring in the new
BETH is so gentle too, with so much energy yet she has a delicate touch
Have I mentioned how much I love you both?
Saleena: I can feel that, Colin. Seems this kind of love for each other helps us open to do this kind of creating and exploring. Thank you!
So here we are inside the belly of this Being….who seems to be the kind that helps create living things like our ships…
Each of us has this new Essence inside us now… Paradise Earth is here and I see BETH has entered consciously the network around her… our model seems alive instead of a model….
Colin: yes, so helping us and BETH create this living filter
Saleena: Reminder of what Sophia said and how it aligns us with what we are doing…
<<< Sophia: The most effective thing we can do now is to weave this energy that we are sharing now into a kind of organizing filter… something that we can move through BETH's whole structure. IT will help to inform the energies coming in in a more useful way with the level of consciousness that the general Earth and her inhabitants have right now…
<<< We are creating a new kind of essence… in mixing all of us together. you might say it is a new creation material… this new essence and the substance it is is what we will weave the new filter with.
<<< we ask if you would meet all together with us and we will weave the new filter…
<<< Saleena: I saw that the new filter we were going to weave is a very fine white with pink and gold colors and it looks like fine net with some very intricate geometries in it… it moves throughout BETH's grid system like it is embedded into her every fiber…
<<< Sophia: yes Dearest one, and that same filter will be in your own bodies also…
Saleena: That is what we are about to do here.
So how do we proceed now?
So I feel that each of our hosts are with us but it is us that are going to do the weaving with their influence…
Marimar: Seems like the filter is (or its precursor energies are) in place now. I am not sure we need to "do" anything.
Colin: We need to set the filter for the perfect level, letting in exactly the right level of energy for progress, yet filtering out any excessive energy…we just need to intend it, for the most benevolent outcome
Marimar: Like choosing the SPF factor when putting on sunscreen.
Saleena: I want it to reflect what Marimar said about how these metamaterials can change the wave shape thru resonance and also generate energy…
Marimar: We could tune in to the future Paradise Earth energies that we desire to live within.
Saleena: Supposedly we know how to do this… so I open to that part of me that knows how…
Colin: yes, exactly
Saleena: okay…we can also look ahead in the future to see what we created tonight that lead us to a full Paradise Earth experience.
Marimar: I can feel the gentle kind presence of others around me as I imagine walking around on Paradise Earth.
I also notice how alive nature is… reading my mind.
Colin: like one of those big dials on an old transistor radio, tune to station Paradise.
Marimar: I can see the devas and hear the animals.
Saleena: It is more like Tristan saw on the planet that was like Earth… cooperation… love… everyone loving each other and respect… enough for all…everyone doing what they love….
Marimar: A pleasant family life. Quite amazing variety of life here; many surprising forms.
Colin: can see my future self waving
Saleena: We have devices when needed for tuning to telepathic stations… we are all more Omni-Dimensional…. housing is in harmony with the environment in fact most of it is living materials… alive… more unusual shapes and creativeness…
Marimar: Mine is at some kind of computer… figures.
Saleena: My computer is hanging in the air… tiny device linked to my thoughts… no keyboard..all mind interaction…screen up in the air and dimensional….I am cradled in a living chair that forms to support me the way I need… slightly titled back…very comfortable… and my body is pain-free… young… aligned in harmony… peace… fulfilled….
Marimar: I seem to be hunched over mine… but smiling.
Saleena: As you wish… There are living ships for transports… small ones to huge MotherShips… coming and going….
We have chosen the route of living heart-based technology verses industrial metal and toxic chemical productions…
Colin: we seem to be remembering when we created the filter, and great waves of love and appreciation wash over us.
Saleena: All the big factories are gone… housing stretches out more… since anyone can travel anywhere… no more country boundaries… more communal local BENEVOLENT governance…
Saleena: I heard the flowers giggling a few minutes ago….
Marimar: seems like people walk more… no hurry… enjoy the journeys.
Saleena: or fly… without planes…Bilocation and teleportation…time travel… all known now…
Trees are huge! like rainforest but everywhere….
Lots of very bright happy children on this planet…they shine like bright lights all over her…supported to freely give the gifts and talents they bring in with them. They are also guided in wonderful mentoring kinds of education processes. Though many times it is them teaching us!
We are all encouraged and supported to do what is our greatest interest and passion. What we love doing. We are celebrated for who we truly are. Everyone expresses themselves fully with joy.
Saleena: All animals are free and no violence… they talk…communicate telepathically. It is wonderful….they are supportive and loving and we humans are to them.
When you tune to the Paradise Earth frequency it is way different… it runs right through my heart… at a very deep level… can you feel that?
It feels more like this new essence we just created…
Marimar: The Earth feels like it is inside me.
Saleena: this is what I felt as a Hathor in pre-Egypt… an aliveness of connection to the Earth in my body… no separation… ONE with her, and all that is here – with – on and in her and floating around her.
Colin: yes, we are at one with the Earth, just like we were at the beginning, except now we are humans embodied.
Saleena: Yes… have I told you all how much I love you all, including the Earth? Sharing this kind of love was rare in the old Earth and Here it is what we do…
There is more consciousness shared through a collective mind….everything being done, experienced and created is there in the collective memory to access. So if you want to know how to do something…you look to see if it is in the library. A wonderful collection of everything we have all experienced and added to it.
We are still individuals yet all connected and more aware of it. There is a comfort of belonging to a much greater family here. The isolation and separation illusions of the old world are gone.
Colin: Its blissful, such an honor to be sharing and co-creating with you
Saleena: And you , too. All of sudden I am beginning to be aware of a kind of thin white fiber or filament starting to form inside my body and moving out of it toward the model of BETH….
Being focused in the future Paradise Earth is sending back a kind of invocation of this fiber, drawing it out of me sitting at the model… in the jellyfish being… with you here….
Marimar: Reminds me of a spider spinning a thread of silk.
Saleena: coming from inside our nerves or fibers… not sure where it is being generated from…
Marimar: or is that a silkworm? I associate you with the Spider Clan.
Saleena: Yes, Colin and I are Weavers in an aspect of our souls expression. So as we continue to tour Paradise Earth this draws the new essence forth from us and it begin to move into BETH…. creating the desired filter… this is tuning the resonance of the meta material so that it can qualify the Cosmic Energy the way we intend it to …
This is what I saw was going to happen during Phase 1:
<<< I saw that the new filter we were going to weave is a very fine white with pink and gold colors and it looks like fine net with some very intricate geometries in it… it moves throughout BETH's grid system like it is embedded into her every fiber…
Saleena: There is a new kind of system in place where there is exchange and fair trade… like the New Essence of Money and Fair Exchange brought in…. it is easy to get what you need… everyone does what they love and donates anything beyond their own personal needs to a central warehouse or exchange center…
Colin: mmmm started sneezing myself, something big shifting in us so we can build this…
Saleena: it looks like a giant dome instead of square… I don't see many square structures… much more creative shapes to the buildings…much more pleasant looking…
Hey let's look at energy production… how is it happening here?
Marimar: seems like the structures just absorb energy from the environment.
Saleena: It has a similar feeling to the place that Luis Fernando saw when they took him to Venus… We met him and heard and saw his wonderful presentation at the Earth Transformation Conference in 2008.
You can see a series of YouTube videos with his whole talk here on this blog:
Extraterrestrial Guides:
The Great White Brotherhood
in the Andes & Lake Titicaca
Saleena: Energy generators seem to be like tall towers with a bulb on the end… they absorb the sun and cosmic rays… it is more than the sun… they are picking up a variety of waves and they sort of mix them together so the energy produced is more balanced and assists in growth instead of harming… Growth like spiritual progress… it makes a kind of food for the body-mind-spirit…
This energy is directed t living dwellings and large complexes…
Saleena Note: Look at the 7th of 11 videos to see a simulation of the way they gather and concentrate energy of the Sun on Venus:
7 of 11, Extraterrestrial Guides_
The Great White Brotherhood in the Andes
Colin: there is no energy grid as such, energy just seems to be available, everywhere
Saleena: Food seems t be grown in greenhouse environments… in fact I see there are some ships hovering above the earth where lots of "productions " are happening… growing more than just food… some kind of biological things, too… the idea is that this method leave the Earth clear and clean for enjoyment and we use ships and space for production… like the ShipBuilders Complex is a MotherShip hovering in space, not parked on a planet…
Marimar, you sneezing too? Can't be the dust since Colin sneezed half way across the world…
Saleena: People seem to know how to transport or use teleport tunnels to travel from these Mothership Gardens to Earth and back…
I noticed there are no wires and electrical poles… that is sooooo wonderful….
I am looking back at where we are weaving… inside my fibers are tiny geometries forming like little snowflakes here and there… delicate fine and lovely… streaming slowing out of me and entering BETH's network… grid… embedding in her and growing through her slowly… she is smiling like it feels real good!
Colin: so we weave this future into the filter, so the cosmic wave 'enables and facilitates' its creation
Stroking your cheek god(s)
Saleena: and generates a kind of supportive energy like Inelia channels from Source so that those who are ready to wake up may do it… those ready to move to new levels may do it… those ready to receive enlightenment may do it…
Saleena Note: Inelia Benz talks to Project Avalon about her life and her mission to this planet.
( note the part in the video where we can change our timeline @ 12 minute )
So the veils that are ready to thin more may thin and be removed between us and Nature. Us and the Inner Earth. Us and the other Dimensions. Us and Source.
Seems Like those three days would be a great time to have a Transmission for Enlightenment… like Laura Quan Yin has been doing…
Colin: Yes easier to choose if the noise is reduced, like filters on radios or stereos, they make the sound clearer
Saleena: Lets weave that energy into the filter… asking Quan Yin to channel into the filter the transmissions for mass enlightenment that she and Laura have been offering-giving to the planet… Laura has been in the nursing home recovering from a Bicycling fall… sending her love to heal perfectly…and seeing her whole and walking and feeling wonderful now…
We have visited some very amazing places in all our travels… I can feel influences of all these places in our Paradise Earth….
I see that there are places to grow living pearl, like I saw when we visited Venus during the creation of VK60 Liquid Love – Venus and like Elizabeth Klarer saw when she visited Alpha Centauri... they use it for decorating & sculpting in their homes… I used the same energy of living pearl in VK60 Liquid Love and in VK37 Sublime Health
VK60 Liquid Love – Venus – Sophia
Saleena Note: You can purchase this design in several sizes to treat your environment with these amazing Venusian Energies and to treat you water. The best combination and price is offered here as the Elixir of Liquid Love Special
Colin: We travel more freely here, too, both in time and space, not that we don't already!
Saleena: Yes….I see that we also have learned to build with our minds and imagination focused, like Adama showed us they do in Telos… the structures are much more crystalline… on kind is…
Colin: I need a break now, do we feel complete
Marimar: It feels good to me; we could come back later to check on it.
Saleena: I am going to continue… because I am having so much fun… the part of you weaving will stay here until we are done…
The flowers I see are very familiar and many more colors and species and many much bigger than I am used to from old Earth….
Old Earth is history now….
I am in a flow of creation and would like to continue to shape this… maybe we can look to see some of those other levels you were talking about Marimar…you named three levels… at this point we are at the World Transformation level… we can use this time to look at the other levels…
What is so fun about this is that for a long time we remembered that we were Pilots and Space Adventurers and that first met the ShipBuilder Races before they were ShipBuilders. when they were working with these sentient conscious beings who could be shaped by another intelligence giving them a blueprint and then working together… one providing the "map" the blueprint for what was desired and the other actually growing it. more like reorganizing itself until it becomes what was requested. A beautiful co-creation…
This is what is happening now… we are finally getting to "hands on " work with one of these beings again… from here… instead of just remembering when we did this in the far distant past…
I am watching to see if the being is turning into this filter or is it just helping us create it through our bodies from the new essence? or something else?
Colin: funky mobie, like a mojo, you need to get it working
Marimar: we are looking to see if this planet has a history… how we got to this stage.
What happened to the controllers? the economy? politics? pollution?
When did wars stop?
Saleena: Crime criminals oil production? Nuclear meltdowns? What happened to weapons or war?
I remember a story I was reading where they would gather in big community gatherings to hear someone tell stories about their history of Earth. Some had been there in the new Earth for so long they didn't know these things and gradually the newer generations began to disbelieve it could have ever been that barbaric…
Our history became like legends and science fiction tales or was it horror tales…
Marimar: We may have to do some time travelling to see what happened. Everyone/everything here seems to have forgotten the past.
I wonder if there is a library somewhere?
Since we are using this environment to set our intentions for the future, perhaps it is not the right place/energy to be in when looking at the past. Unless we want the future to arrive along a certain specific scenario…
If we do not care how the future arrives, I suppose we could just set our intentions.
We might also consider a different journey, when we start with the intent to look at the timeline from now to the Paradise Earth.
Saleena: I would rather do this right now… focus on the new. it feels more in alignment with my energies and knowings right now…
Marimar: Lead on… I am not getting any hint of a past in here at the moment…
Saleena: So let's see if we live here? or are we forgotten past historical figures?
Let find ourselves and see where we live…what we are like and what we are doing?
Marimar: There is a version of each of us here… we saw them earlier.
I was hunched over a computer and you were in an easy chair.
Saleena: okay…I am so used to creating a New Earth that it will be interesting to see what I am doing here living on the Paradise Earth…
Oh yeah…. mine seemed more like a computer on a ship…
Marimar: Yes
Saleena: Living Ship…Why were you hunching?
Marimar: Habit I guess
Saleena: Are you still doing the same thing there as you do here?
Marimar: Looked really familiar!
Saleena: I love this new Paradise Earth and seem to spend much time in simple enjoyment of the nature here and then at times I go on expeditions out into space… seems like I travel at times with Belees and the A-Team… as they are no longer needed to keep the Earth from cracking up or being destroyed by our incessant discordant technological sounds and harmful energies and all the acts of hostility committed against our Mother Earth. That is history now. The whole planet has a new Vibration and new kinds of technology that are in harmonious wave structures. I read about this in one of Elaine Thompson's books, maybe To Andromeda and Beyond
Saleena: I also saw myself visiting a kind of warehouse or growing facility… maybe working with growing organic ships? didn't seem to be veggies…
Saleena: Do we have a home here? How did we get from here to the new? Maybe we can look down the timeline….
I was looking to see if I still create art and music? How does artistic expression fit in?
I saw myself involved in a creation that was being broadcast on a HUGE screen… hanging in the air… some kind of multi-media multi-sensory experience… what happened to the Vibrakeys? Do I still create them?
That huge screen seemed to just hang in space, too…like the computer screen… maybe like the one they were using in Avatar…and it is holographic…
Marimar: I seem to be sitting around outside… structures seem to be fairly minimal. Perhaps we nestle into the trees to sleep…
Saleena: I see myself laying in a huge meadow of flowers… they all seem to be "singing" to me. i am on the earth… closing my eyes and smiling … it is lovely… soothing… sharing with these beautiful beings… I knew I got there in some way like a little ship… I am in a deep canyon valley… no roads in…blue sky… utopian…
Taking some time out to be with the Earth and Nature… there is no fear of being harmed by an animal or person… no noxious pests…
No hurry or need to shorten my visit… I can stay until I am fully saturated…
I do look different though… taller slimmer and long blonde hair… like my younger self yet the body shape is different…
I am wearing a very soft full body suit that lets the air and sun in without having to be naked…feels so natural… a light shimmering whitish silver. It has something woven or embedded in it that is actually picking up the energy from those Tesla looking towers…. it is vitalizing me constantly.
There is a small animal that comes over to me and wants to nestle up with me while I lay there… sort of like a ring tailed cat…. with fox looking features and ears… long furry tail… it checks with me to see if it can join me… I open my arms to it and it comes to me… just curls up and nose to tail closes its eyes… there is a nice warmth we share with our hearts… it likes the energy of the clothing…
Interesting that my presence is actually energizing the surroundings instead of depleting things like on the old Earth.
There are 2 Suns in the sky! Something must have drastically changed! The warmth is luscious… I am looking right at one of them absorbing the energy into my body….Sungazing.
I want to check in with Paradise Earth's Heart… to see what she is like inside… is there a hollow earth inside still? Do people live inside now?
Telos? What is happening there now?
Is there still a Master Crystal System throughout the Earth?
Is BETH still around us here?
Saleena Note: Merlyn just brought me a bowl of Jackfruit. I had tried it before and didn't like it ripened… too tart and acidic like pineapple. I received one when some friends visiting the island brought me a HUGE one… like this was 13 or 14 inches long and maybe like a watermelon sized things with bright yellow green skin which was rough like a pineapple only much smaller and finer spikes. It was very green so we didn't know if it would ripen.
It has been sitting there for many weeks and finally started to ripen some. He opened it and said he had to oil the knife and the plate and it was very sticky-gluey… then he cooked it with coconut milk, butter and Sole or Solay (super saturated Crystal salt solution) until very soft. He took some of the seeds and gave them to me in the sauce. They have the fruit on them… you eat the fruit and then chew up the seed. Amazing tasting.
Then he brought me another bowl of this smooth creamy stuff which is everything blended in a VitaMix…seed and all. It is slightly salty sweet fluffy like whipped cream, yet rich, savory and silky delicious! Such a treat… gourmet at the Garden of Atema…
Saleena: Okay back now… I see this kind of passion and excitement for creating new food dishes and sharing them on Paradise Earth. No more eating meat… we all get enough sustenance without taking an animal's life. We are creating and growing foods that are varied and deliciously nutritious…
There is too much consciousness to eat another living being … we have harmony with the plant kingdom and they love to nourish us… we ask before we consume anything… or pick a flower… or move a plant… you wouldn't just go up and pull hair out of someone without asking… or break or cut their arm off. A very different relationship exists here with all nature… respect… communication… love… sharing…
Colin: Something happening in Chile sending this energy there too
Saleena: A man dreamed that he was living the dream. When he woke, he couldn’t tell if he was living the dream.
A dream dreamed that it was dreaming. When it woke, the dream did not know if it was a dream.
When waking sleeps, it dreams of waking. Upon waking, it cannot tell if it still sleeps.
There was a reality TV show. When it ended, the people didn’t know what was real.
There was a self-referential aphorism.
There was a self-referential sentence about a sentence that didn’t exist.
A dream dreamed of its own end. It couldn’t tell when it woke up.
Infinity walked up and down the street carrying a sign. “THE END IS NIGH” it said.
From: Serif of Nottingham Blog
posted by gary barwin at 6:46 PM
Saleena: Looking to see if there are any Earth "disasters" happening here at Paradise Earth… We sure experienced a lot of them on the Old Earth.
Colin: Still need earth movements to create new, but we seem to be more in tune with them so that they are not perceived as disasters, more like the joy of creation
Saleena: Nice…I see that the Paradise Earth doesn't have the same kind of violent needs to shift and move like the old earth did… she is much more peaceful in her body with her growth and life now….there is nothing to try to release or shake off…. she likes us and what is going on now…
Colin: More images, current Earth still needs our help to ease the birth I think..
Saleena: I am entertaining myself watching "It": They remind me of a new level of one of my favorite poets, Shel Silverstein and his crazy poetry… odd funny weird and refreshing…
Insert Cover of my favorite of Shel's poetry books Where the Sidewalk Ends
It is entertaining to my odd sense of humor…
Here is a photo of some string art that has a feeling for the fibers of the New Filter and how geometric shapes could be formed in it… it does have more fine root branching in places too.
kinda like this only finer:
Saleena: interesting images, the center is 3… plant cells:
Saleena: This reminds me of the Inside of BETH sometimes but always way more golden or colorful than this… just the branching structure of her grid…
Saleena: Amazing Beauty: Inspiring me…sending waves of ripples of this kind of variety and beauty into Paradise Earth… no foraging insects that eat all the crops though in the new world… as beautiful as the Navy Lubber is…. he would have to be in balance here, never taking more than his fair share.
All species are in balance
living together in harmony
here on Paradise Earth
Here's to Friendship:
"Each friend
a world in us,
a world possibly
not born
until they arrive,
and it is only
by this meeting
that a new world
is born."
~ Anais Nin ~
Saleena: Another aspect of Paradise World…. and tribute to my friendships with this wonderful team… Thank you…everyone who has assisted us today…sending out ripples of appreciation, so if you assisted in some way for this day to happen…you will feel them…
End 12:42:32 AM HT
to be continued…